Computer Glossary, Glossary

Computer terminology covers the set of terms and acronyms used in the field of computing and the Internet, facilitating communication and understanding of key concepts in the digital world.

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Extension of executable files. It is a top-level domain that is part of the Internet Domain Name System.


Extension specific to system files.


Group users of Internet in Spain and promotes their rights.


Any combination of numbers, letters and symbols. By extension It is usually applied to the part left of the keyboard to differentiate it from the small numeric keypad located the right of it.


(Advanced Audio Coding) Digital audio format compressed with loss. It was designed in order to replace MP3. For a same number of pulses per second (bitrate) and a same file size MP3 the AAC format is more stable and has more quality, producing a louder sound crystalline.


Reduced name of Microsoft Access. It's a software to create and manage databases.


Adobe program that allows you to capture documents and view them on your original appearance. Acrobat works with PDF files.


It is a technology of Microsoft that allows add new software when you access a Web page.


It is a technology of data transmission that allows you to send and receive information at high speed through the telephone wires of conventional copper.


Plugins. Modules that provide new functionalities, improving the benefits of a program.


High speed port in the motherboard used to connect the cards graphics.


Accompanying file to an email. As a file, you can contain any type of information (textual, images...)


It is a field of science of computing. That expression can refer to the intelligence that can show a computer or other equipment or system designed by a HUMAN.


Application that allows perform functions such as file management and printing. With the file manager of Windows can be create, copy, search or delete directories or files, etc.


In email addresses, it is the symbol that separates the user's name from the name of their email provider. For example:


Company processor North American Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC), which introduce for the first time a 64-bit architecture, what it means to increase exponentially the performance, power and the speed of the systems that incorporate a chip Allia. Digital has incorporated Allplia processors in your largest systems, but also in their personal computers.


Internet search engine, which came to have the greatest number of pages indexed on the web, more of 140 million, around of 1997/98. was acquired by Overture early 2003. www.altavista. com


This function appears like the "Alt" key, which combining it with different keyboard numbers numerical” allows obtaining one of 256 characters of the ASCII code.


Arithmetic Logic Unit. Arithmetic Logic Unit of the computer that performs arithmetic operations and logical.


The second most large manufacturer of mi c r o p r o c e s o rs , after Intel. Also manufactures flash memories and integrated circuits for network devices, including others. It was founded in year 1969 and has contributed because PC prices are minors due to their high quality and good prices.


Representation of the information through signals (electrical, magnetic...) of intensity variable (on the other hand, digital representations are done through numbers).


Simulation of motion created by displaying a series of figures or pictures. Computer animation is one of the main ingredients in multimedia presentations.


Acronym for America On-line, it is one of the largest Internet providers in the United States. http:// com


Open source HTTP Web server program. It was developed in 1995 and is currently one of the most widely used web servers on the Internet. It usually runs on UNIX, Linux, BSD, and Windows. It is a powerful web server package with many add-on modules that are freely available on the Internet. One of its competitors is Microsoft IIS.


Standard defined by ANSI to measure the brightness of a monitor. The measurement represents the average value of 9 points in the image projected on the screen.


A program whose purpose is to prevent computer viruses, as well as to cure existing ones in a system. These programs must be updated periodically.


Application Programming Interface. A set of routines used by an application to manage low-level services, usually performed by the computer's operating system. One of the main purposes of an API is to provide a set of general-purpose functions, so that programmers take advantage of the API, saving them the work of programming everything again.


Apple currently has about 5% of the global computer market with products such as the MacBook and Mac Air, almost the entire MP3 player market with the iPod, and about 1% of the US cell phone market with the iPhone.


Mini program in Java programming language integrated into a web page. It runs in the client browser.


Programs (generally CLASS format) that are executed on client computers. They are platform-independent. Instructions are inserted in web pages that invoke the applet. For everything to work, the client browser must also have the JAVA option enabled.


Scripting language developed by Apple Computer and integrated into MacOS starting with System 7.5. AppleScript provides a simple means to automate common tasks and is powerful for automating complex tasks and customizing the behavior of these applications.


Any program that runs on an operating system and performs a specific function for a user. For example, word processors, databases, electronic diaries, etc.


Package of information (texts, graphics, programs...) identified by a name in computer systems.


File that accompanies an e-mail message. It can be images, sounds, programs and other large files.


Database (whose origin predates the development of www) that offers a search and consultation service for files stored on FTP servers. It can be accessed through a client program, a browser or by e-mail.


American Registry of Internet Numbers. Organization in the United States that manages the country's IP addresses, and their assigned territories. Because addresses on the Internet must be unique, and address spaces on the Internet are limited, an organization is needed to control and assign the number blocks.


Advanced Research Projects Agency: Agency of the United States Department of Defense that created ARPA-net, the network that gave rise to the Internet.


Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. Precursor to the Internet developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s by the United States Department of Defense as an experiment in a non-centralized, wide area network.


Type of hardware structure of the machine. By extension, it is also often used to classify microprocessors (X86 or 680XX architecture) or the type of expansion slots (PCI, EISA...)


American Standard Code for Information Interchange. International standard for encoding text, digits, and punctuation so that they can be read by any computer. The ASCII code is 128 letters represented by a 7-position (7-bit) binary digit, from 0000000 to 1111111, and is the standard used on the World Wide Web.


Advanced Streaming Format: This file format stores audio and video information, and was specially designed to work on networks, such as the Internet. The information is downloaded as a continuous stream of data, and therefore, it is not necessary to wait for the file to be fully downloaded in order to be able to play it.


A method of serial communications between two computers in which data is sent successively through a stream of bits.


Function of a program that facilitates its management.


Internet search engine; its URL is


(Address Space Layout R a n d o m i z a t i o n ) functionality intended to prevent the execution of unwanted code on the system through, usually, buffer overflows.


Acronym for Active Server Pages. These are a type of HTML that, in addition to containing traditional codes and tags, contain programs (or scripts) that run on a Microsoft Internet Information Server before they are displayed on the user's screen. Generally, these types of programs make queries to databases, with the results of these being what the end user obtains. The extension of these files is “.asp.”


This is the name given to a file (whatever its type) that is sent together with an electronic message. In order to be sent, these are encoded in special formats different from that of e-mail.


Technical drawing program that uses a CAD system.


One of the first programs that automatically loads the operating system when starting up and in which the user can intervene to customize the PC when turning it on.


Advanced Technology Attachment. Interface for connecting hard drives, Cdroms, etc. Also known as IDE Supports two hard drives, a 16-bit interface and PIO modes 0, 1 and 2.


Asynchronous Transfer Mode. Asynchronous Transfer Mode. It is a high-speed network technology that transmits multiple types of information (voice, video, data) by creating “data packets.”


Audio Video Interleave. Microsoft format for audio and video files. It is usually used to store small videos and movies. It is not very practical since a 20-second clip in this format can take up about 3 MB.


A protocol for syndication and sharing content. Atom will provide support for digital signatures, geographic location of the author, and possibly security, encryption and licensing, etc. Atom is an XML-based specification.


(Abstract Window Toolkit). A library of graphics procedures used with the Java language to manipulate windows on a bitmapped display.


In virtual environments with multiple users on the Internet and in games, the avatar is the graphic representation of the user.


Control that uses ActiveX technology. An ActiveX control can be downloaded automatically and run by an Internet browser. ActiveX is not a programming language, but rather a set of rules that define how information is to be shared between applications. Programmers can develop ActiveX controls in several languages, including C, C++, Visual Basic, and Java.


Representation of information (texts, sounds, images) by means of an electrical signal that varies in frequency and amplitude. Analog data can be transmitted through conventional telephone lines


Microsoft-patented directory service integrated into the architecture of Windows 2000 Server and later. It is a centralized system that automates the management of user data, security, and distributed resources on the network;


Program that translates assembly language code into machine language


Method of connecting to a remote computer that, with the help of an FTP program, allows access to certain public domain files on that site.


Branch of computer science that attempts to build computer systems that, when faced with certain stimuli, behave as humans would. Within this field, certain robots and computer programs to play complex games such as chess have been developed.


Very high-level programming languages ​​aimed at facilitating the development of computer programs for people with little computer knowledge. They are computer tools designed, in theory, to develop multimedia computer applications.


Write-protected disk, which prevents copying data to these devices. This problem can be resolved by manually configuring the Registry Editor


An absolute path is one that starts from the root directory (i.e., the part of the folder that contains any other folder, and is normally designated simply by the character /). Example: /usr/ local/


Access network refers to that part of the communications network that connects end users to a service provider and is complementary to the network core.


Signal that can vary continuously. Between two close values, intermediate values ​​can always be considered. The temperature recorded by a mercury thermometer provides analogue signals.